Absence Article #3: Turning The Corner on Father Absence in
Black America
(From the Morehouse Conference on African-American

Racially, Politically Diverse
Coalition Promotes Return of African-American Fathers to the Family
"Are black fathers necessary?

Damn straight we are." -- William
Raspberry, Keynote speaker, Morehouse Conference on African-
American Fathers Washington, June 16, 1999 - a politically and
racially diverse coalition of reformers, community leaders and
scholars today marked the approach of Father's Day with a powerfully
worded statement on the crisis in African-American fatherhood,
calling on the Nation as a whole to support the movement to
``re-connect fathers and strengthen families."

Among other action, the signers urge Congress to pass legislation
that would authorize ``an additional $2 billion over the next five
years for community-based fatherhood programs promoting both
marriage and marriageability, especially for young, poorly educated,
low-income men." The money would also be used for employment and
parental skills training.

Congress is poised to hold hearings on a "Responsible Fatherhood"
bill this month. The statement, entitled Turning the Corner on
Father Absence in Black America, is the product of a recent
conference on African-American fathers and families, held at
historically black Morehouse College.

The Morehouse signers also exhort the federal, state and local
governments, and the leadership of the African-American community to
recognize the high priority of restoring the black family, and to be
creative about capitalizing on opportunities to act when they
present themselves.

Similarly, they encourage civil
rights organizations to move this issue to the top of their agendas
and bring the same intense dedication to rebuilding the black family
as they have to obtaining basic civil rights.

Since Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D.-N.Y.) 35 years ago called
black fatherlessness ``the fundamental weakness of the Negro
community," the subject has been hot to the touch. But, new
statistics show that an estimated ``80 percent of all
African-American children will spend part of their childhood living
apart from their fathers."

Seventy percent of African-American children are born to unmarried
mothers and 40 percent of all children regardless of race, live in
homes without fathers, according to the Morehouse statement. With
notable exceptions, traditional conservatives blame fatherlessness
and out-of-wedlock births on cultural breakdown and moral failure.

Liberals have long held that the problem in the African-American
community was more complex, but largely attributable to poor
fathers' inability to support a family.
The Morehouse signers reject the dichotomy of "culture versus
economics" and argue that both factors are at work. Moreover, the
signers agree, as Obie Clayton, Executive Director of the Morehouse
Research Institute put it, ``We don't have the luxury of a war of
words any more....To be effective we must join forces."

With the ``Responsible Father" bill on the table, the Morehouse
signers entreat the nation to 1) Recognize the African-American
children, like all children, need and deserve their fathers; 2) Put
reversing the destructive trend towards father absence at the very
top of the African-American and national agenda; and 3) Pass
legislation that strengthens fathers and families.

The diverse roster of distinguished
signatories, including David Blankenhorn, president of the Institute
for American Values and Dr. Ronald Mincy of the Ford Foundation, say
reversing the trend will require ``aggressive steps to open up
greater economic opportunities for African-American men and equally
aggressive steps to promote changes in norms and expectations that
support marriage and strengthen the father-child bond."

They cite studies showing children
raised outside of intact marriages are five times more likely to be
poor, twice as likely to drop out of school, two to three times more
likely to commit crimes that lead to incarceration, and face an
increased risk of psychological, academic, and health problems.

In addition, they urge changes in the criminal justice system that
would encourage fathers who are in trouble with the law to
re-connect with their children and call on federal and state child
support collection agencies to view themselves not as punitive, but
as sources of help for fathers in meeting their financial

``As an African-American mother, all
I can say is: it's about time," said statement co-author Enola Aird
of the Institute for American Values. ``

The heartrending crisis of black
father absence that African-American children suffer has cultural,
economic and spiritual roots. Addressing all of these to strengthen
marriage and fatherhood in the Black community should be our most
urgent priority."
Other distinguished signers include Harvard sociologist William
Julius Wilson; University of Pennsylvania Professor Elijah Anderson;
former HHS Secretary Louis Sullivan; Boston University economist
Glenn C. Loury; University of Pennsylvania Professor and faith-based
activist John DiIulio and President Walter E. Massey of Morehouse

The list includes nationally known
reformers in the fatherhood movement such as Jeffrey Johnson of the
National Center for Strategic Nonprofit Planning and Community
Leadership; Ken Canfield of the National Center for Fathering and
Wade Horn of the National Fatherhood Initiative.
About the Morehouse Conference:

This project largely stems form conversations that began in 1996 and
1997, involving Obie Clayton of the Morehouse Research Institute,
Ron Mincy of the Ford Foundation, David Blankenhorn of the Institute
for American Values, and others.

From these discussions, three
questions emerged.

First what are the best ways to support the growing fatherhood
movement in the African American community - a movement that exists
largely under the radar screen, relatively ignored by the national
media, but which is transforming the lives of many young, poorly
educated, unwed fathers?

Second, is it time for the nation's prominent African American
scholars, and leading experts on the African American family, to
come together to assist this movement?

And finally is it possible for this movement to make common cause -
intellectually, morally, and organizationally - with a broad
spectrum of other fatherhood and civic leaders?

The result of these deliberations was the Morehouse conference on
African American Fathers, held at Morehouse College in Atlanta on
November 4 - 6, 1998, co-sponsored by the Morehouse Research
Institute and the Institute for American Values and funded in part
by the Ford Foundation.

In the eyes of the sponsors, and for
many of the participants, the Morehouse conference was an important
moment. The group did not agree on everything, but it did agree
unequivocally that African American children deserve strong and
positive relationships with their fathers and that reversing the
trend of father absence must rise to the top of the agenda for
African Americans and for the nation.

We agreed that the economic structures, the cultural values, and the
private and public sector policies that discourage many Black men
from becoming active in their children's lives demand urgent

This Statement is an outgrowth of
the Morehouse conference. It includes among its signatories men and
women who were a part of the Morehouse conference and others who are
part of what is a continuing conversation about how best to respond
to the challenge of father absence in the African American

SOURCE: "Men's HOTLINE" (men
AT menhotline.org)
